Zinc Data File Version 3.0 N5*2aN* N5*2aN* P5*2aN* UIW_WINDOW UI_BITMAP UI_ICON UI_HELP UI_HPP UI_CPP paste RESOURCE_1^ UNSIGNED_RESOURCE OK_BUTTON QUESTIONZ ASTERISK[ EXCLAMATION\ HAND_ minIcona MINICON GENERAL_HELP MAIN_HELP AUTO_OPTIMAL_HELP SCREEN_BY_HELP LIST_VIEW_HELP TO_YOU_HELP NEW_MESSAGES_HELP NEXT_PREV_HELP THREAD_OPT_HELP THREAD_ONL RESOURCE_1c UNSIGNED_RESOURCE RESOURCE_1 XRConfig 1.04 PULL_DOWN_ID$ PATH_ID &Paths FIELD_132 INDIR_ID path_change@ &Indir (Input files) OUTBOUND_ID path_change@ &Bundlepath (Out) EXPORT_ID path_change@ E&xport Path const USHORT PULL_DOWN_ID = 0x0081;7 const USHORT PATH_ID = 0x0082;7 const USHORT FIELD_132 = 0x0084;7 const USHORT INDIR_ID = 0x0085;7 const USHORT OUTBOUND_ID RESOURCE_1d UNSIGNED_RESOURCE OBJECTID USER_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION path_change path_change path_change path_change path_change path_change path_change path_change path_change path_change change_number change_number change_number change_number change_number change_number change_number change_number VARIOUS_ID FIELD_355$ CUSTOM_ID Custom Brags DONT_CRASH_ID Don't Crash XUC_ID XUC new = 0x0086;7 const USHORT EXPORT_ID = 0x0087;7 const USHORT EXT_EDIT_ID = 0x0089;7 const USHORT PACKER_ID = 0x008A;7 const USHORT BUNDLER_ID = 0x008B EXT_EDIT_ID path_change@ &External Editor PACKER_ID path_change@;7 const USHORT PREPROC_ID = 0x008C;7 const USHORT ULIST1_ID = 0x00F8;7 const USHORT ULIST2_ID = 0x00F9;7 const USHORT XUC_LIST_ID = 0x00FA;7 const USHORT BUFFER_ID XRConfig/WinXRCfg General Help XRConfig is the setup and general option configuration program for XRS (the "eXpress Response System") version 5.0 or later. XRConfig reads your CONFIG.XRS file (if any) and sets the beginning state of all options to those you have previously selected. You may adjust any setting and then save (click on "OK") these new settings. Otherwise, select "Cancel" to exit without saving, or "Defaults" to reset all options to the "New User" settings which came with XRS. Note that every button, check-box, menu-bar item and pull-down menu item has context-sensitive help for each specific field. To display the help text for any particular field, highlight the field and hit . To close this (or any Win/XRConfig window) hit! "About" XRS Configuration Program This program is used to easily adjust user-selectable parameters stored in the "CONFIG.XRS" file XRS uses for configuration. Pick and/or change options, then select "OK" to save or "Cancel" to discard changes and quit. "Defaults" will reset all parameters to their initial defaults. "XRConfig" and "WinXRCfg" - (C) CopyRight 1992 Mike Ratledge and Smokin' Software division of D.E.S.C.U. XRConfig contains two levels of built-in context sensitive help screens for e &Packer BUNDLER_ID path_change@ B&undler PREPROC_ID path_change@ P&reprocess = 0x0083;7 const USHORT FIELD_142 = 0x008E;7 const USHORT EDIT_BUFF_ID = 0x008F;7 const USHORT DYNAMIC_ID = 0x0090;7 const USHORT WARN_ID = 0x009 ULIST1_ID path_change@ Userlist &1 ULIST2_ID path_change@ Userlist &2 const USHORT FILE_BUFF_ID = 0x011E;7 const USHORT NUMBER_ID = 0x0093;7 const USHORT FIELD_208 = 0x00D0;7 const USHORT PAUSE_ID = 0x00DF;7 const USHORT SAFE_MODE_I XUC_LIST_ID path_change@ XU&C list BUFFER_ID &Buffers FIELD_142 EDIT_BUFF_ID D = 0x00E1;7 const USHORT TAB_ID = 0x00D1;7 const USHORT PRINT_WIDTH_ID = 0x00D3;7 const USHORT FIELD_218 = 0x00DA;7 const USHORT VIRTUAL_ID = 0x00 change_number@ &Edit Buffer Size DYNAMIC_ID change_number@ &Dynamic Buffer WARN_ID change_number@ &Oversize Warning FILE_BUFF_ID change_number@ &File Buffer NUMBER_ID const USHORT V_JUMP_ID = 0x00DC;7 const USHORT FIELD_221 = 0x00DD;7 const USHORT MODE_ID = 0x00DE;7 const USHORT FIELD_584 = 0x0248;7 const USHORT SLOW_EDIT_ID = 0x00E0;7 const USHORT TIME_ADJ_ID = 0x00D2;7 const USHORT FIELD_597 = 0x0255;7 const USHORT HELP_HELP_ID = 0x00C8;7 const USHORT HELP_ID = 0x0 &Numbers FIELD_208 PAUSE_ID change_number@ &Pause SAFE_MODE_ID change_number@ &Safe Mode TAB_ID change_number@ &Tab Size PRINT_WIDTH_ID change_number@ Print &Width FIELD_218 VIRTUAL_ID change_number@ &Virtualize V_JUMP_ID change_number@ Virtual &Jump FIELD_221 MODE_ID change_number@ &Mode FIELD_584 0CC;7 const USHORT GENERAL_ID = 0x00CD;7 const USHORT KEYBOARD_ID = 0x00CE;7 const USHORT _ = 0x00CF;7 const USHORT ABOUT_ID = 0x0124;7 const USHORT FIELD_555 = 0x022B;7 const USHORT VIEW_ID = 0x000F;7 const USHORT OPTIMAL_ID = 0x0001;7 const USHORT SCREEN_ID = 0x0002;7 const USHORT FILTER_ID = 0x0004;7 const USHORT TOYOU_ID = 0x0005;7 const USHORT NEW_ID = 0x0006;7 const USHORT SWITCH_ID = 0x001F;7 const USHORT NO_SNOW_ID = 0x0023;7 const USHORT NO_CLOCK SLOW_EDIT_ID change_number@ Slow &Edit TIME_ADJ_ID change_number@ Time &Adjust FIELD_597 _ID = 0x0024;7 const USHORT NO_SECS_ID = 0x0025;7 const USHORT FORCE_8X8_ID = 0x0026;7 const USHORT MEMORY_ID = 0x0011;7 const USHORT PRELOAD_ID = 0mailbags SOFT_FONT_ID Soft Font QUOTE_KLUDGE_ID Quote Kludges QUOTE_HEAD_ID Quote Header AUTO_CYCLE_ID Auto Cycle ONE_TEAR_ID One Tear NUKE_ID Nuke Garbage FLIP_ID Flip Headers NO_MOUSE_ID No Mouse NO_PIDS_ID No PID's REVERSE_ID Reverse ALWAYS_ID Always FORCE_ID Force New JUMP_HEAD_ID Jump Headers HIDE_ID Hide Search NAME_ID Prompt Name AREA_ID Prompt Area EURO_DATE_ID Euro Date FORM_FEED_ID Form Feed NO_EDIT_ID File Buffer Size FIELD_146 FIELD_0 OPTIMAL_ID Automatic Optimal SCREEN_ID Screen-by-Screen LIST_ID List View Mode View Mode FIELD_4 TOYOU_ID To You Only NEW_ID New Messages Message Filters OK_ID DEFAULT_ID &Defaults CANCEL_ID &Cancel MEMORY_ID PRELOAD_ID Preload Summary EMS_ID Use E.M.S. Memory UMA_ID Use Upper Memory XMS_ID Use X.M.S. Memory INT_EDIT_ID Internal Editor NO_ED_SWAP_ID No Edit Swap SWAP_ID Memory Usage THREAD_ID THREAD_NO_ID Next and Previous THREAD_YES_ID Thread Optional THREAD_ONLY_ID Threading ONLY '+'/'-' Key Usage SWITCH_ID NO_SNOW_ID No Snow NO_CLOCK_ID No Clock NO_SECS_ID No Seconds FORCE_8X8_ID Force 8x8 Font Screen Control ALIAS_ID FORCE_ALIAS_ID Force Alias ALIAS_NO_ID Alias Default "No" Alias Name VARIOUS_ID FIELD_109$ SOFT_FONT_ID Soft Font QUOTE_KLUDGE_ID Quote Kludges QUOTE_HEAD_ID Quote Header AUTO_CYCLE_ID Auto Cycle ONE_TEAR_ID One Tear NUKE_ID Nuke Garbage FLIP_ID Flip Headers NO_MOUSE_ID No Mouse NO_PIDS_ID No PID's REVERSE_ID Reverse ALWAYS_ID Always FORCE_ID Force New JUMP_HEAD_ID Jump Headers HIDE_ID Hide Search NAME_ID Prompt Name AREA_ID Prompt Area EURO_DATE_ID Euro Date FORM_FEED_ID Form Feed TOGGLE_ID Toggles x0012;7 const USHORT UMA_ID = 0x0014;7 const USHORT EMS_ID = 0x0013;7 const USHORT XMS_ID = 0x0015;7 const USHORT INT_EDIT_ID = 0x0016;7 const USHORT NO_ED_SWAP_ID = 0x0017;7 const USHORT SWAP_ID = 0x001A;7 const USHORT ALIAS_ID = 0x0020;7 const USHORT FORCE_ALIAS_ID = 0x0021;7 const USHORT ALIAS_NO_ID = 0x0022;7 const USHORT THREAD_ID = 0x001B;7 const USHORT THREAD_NO_ID = 0x001C;7 const USHORT THREAD_YES_ID = 0x001D;7 const USHORT THREAD_ONLY_ID = 0x001E;7 const USHORT TOGGLE_ID = 0x007D;7 const USHORT VARIOUS_ID = 0x0035;7 const USHORT HIASCII_ID = 0x0286;7 const USHORT ALWAYS_ID = 0x005A;7 const USHORT AREA_SORT_ID = HELP_HELP_ID &Help HELP_ID GENERAL_ID general_help@ &General Help KEYBOARD_ID keyboard_help@ &Keyboard Usage ABOUT_ID about_xrs@ &About XRConfig FIELD_555! XRConfig 1.04 minIcon VIEW_ID OPTIMAL_ID set_optimal_view@ Automatic Optimal SCREEN_ID set_screen_by_screen@ Screen-by-Screen View Mode FILTER_ID TOYOU_ID to_you_toggle To You Only NEW_ID new_message_toggle New Messages Message Filters SWITCH_ID NO_SNOW_ID toggle_no_snow No Snow NO_CLOCK_ID toggle_no_clock No Clock NO_SECS_ID toggle_no_seconds No Seconds FORCE_8X8_ID toggle_8x8 Force 8x8 Font Screen Control MEMORY_ID PRELOAD_ID toggle_preload_summary Preload Summary UMA_ID toggle_uma Use Upper Memory EMS_ID toggle_ems Use E.M.S. Memory XMS_ID toggle_xms Use X.M.S. Memory INT_EDIT_ID 0x02A4;7 const USHORT AUTO_CYCLE_ID = 0x0043;7 const USHORT CUSTOM_ID = 0x00E9;7 const USHORT DONT_CRASH_ID = 0x00E2;7 const USHORT EURO_DATE_ID = 0x0065;7 const USHORT FLIP_z &8*V*8*` &8*7,8*b Automatic Optimal Message View Mode HelpN "Auto-Optimal" message viewing allows XRS to adjust the viewing mode dynamically at runtime, using the "List View" (scrolling) mode only when a message is longer than one screen-full. "List View" and "Page View" (screen-by-screen) are other related (and mutually exclusive) options. You may only pick one of these three options. Screen-by-screen ("Page View") Message Viewing Help4 "Screen-by-screen" message viewing forces XRS to always use the original "Page at a time" viewing mode for all messages - even those that exceed one screen-full in length. "Optimal View" and "List View" are other related (and mutually exclusive) options. You may only select one of these three options. "List View" Message Viewing Help "List View" forces XRS to always display a message in the "Scrolling List" format, even if it doesn't exceed one screen-full. If the message is shorter than a single screen, scrolling is disabled and the menu-bar is automatically activated instead. "Optimal View" and "Page View" (screen-by-screen) are other (mutually exclusive) options. Pick the one of these three modes which suits you best! "To You" Filter Help~ The "To You" filter is normally controlled automatically by XRS internally, and only turned on if you open a mailbag that has new, unread messages to you inside. If you turn this option off, it forces XRS to ignore the fact that there are unread messages to you, and display them in the same order they would normally be seen (instead of presenting all of the ones "To You" first). "New Message" Filter Help The "New Only" message filter is normally controlled automatically by XRS - it turns the filter on if it finds any unread message(s) in a mailbag when you open it, and turns it off when you have read all messages. If you want XRS to ingore the fact that there are unread messages in the mailbag (and view all of them instead) by default (not recommeded under most circumstances!), set this option off. "Next and Previous" HelpD Selecting this radio button forces XRS to use the "+" and "-" keys only for "Next" and "Previous" message selection - like early versions of XRS used to do. You may otherwise select "Threading" optionally (where XRS allows "+" and "-" to function the same as "Next" and "Previous" respectively unless there is an active thread available, in which case XRS will go to the following or preceeding message in the thread), or "Thread Only" which only displays those options when an active thread is available to follow (and you must use "Next" or "Previous" to go to a new message. "Threading" Help2 Selecting this radio button causes XRS to utilize the "+" and "-" keys both for the original "Next" / "Previous" functions, and if an active thread is available, for the following or preceeding message in the topic/thread instead. You may otherwise select "Next" / "Previous" only or "Threading Only". Y_HELP OK_HELP DEFAULT_HELP CANCEL_HELP PATH_ID_HELP INDIR_HELP OUTBOUND_HELP ULIST_HELP EXT_EDIT_HELP PACKER_HELP! BUNDLER_HELP" PRE_PROC_HELP# EXPORT "Thread Only" Help Selecting this radio button forces XRS to use the "+" and "-" keys *only* for thread following purposes, and they are not displayed unless there is an active thread to follow in each direction. Otherwise, you may pick "Next" / "Previous" only or "Threading" (optionally) modes. "OK" Help Selecting the "OK" button saves all your changes and exits the program. This is the only way to exit the program and save your choices! (otherwise, you use "Cancel" to discard your changes and exit XRConfig) This is the normal method you use to end XRConfig when you finish. "Default" Button Help Selecting the "Default" button will reset all values in the XRS configuration file to the original default settings which came with the program. This allows you to easily reset all parameters to their original values without having to retype everything. "Cancel" Button Help Selecting the "Cancel" button both discards all your changes and exits the program. Use this button only if you wish to throw away all changes you have made since you started the program. "Path" Menu-bar Help Selecting the "Path" item on the menu-bar will bring down a sub-list of parameters which may be modified using a file and/or pathname. very item, button, checkbox and radio button. As each item is highlighted, the "Bottom-Line" helpbar displays a short reminder. For more specific, detailed help for any option - highlight it and hit . To close this (or any Win/XRConfig window) hit4 "InDir" (Input Directory/XRS Mailbag Directory) Help The "InDir" allows you to specify some location other than the current sub-directory for XRS to find new incoming 'mailbags'. If not set, XRS will look in the current directory. "Outbound" (response mailbags) Path Help Specifying an "Outbound" path tells XRS to place it's response mailbags (the ones for you to upload back to the BBS) into any directory other than the current subdirectory. If this is left blank, XRS will place them in the current directory. "UserList" HelpS XRS allows you to use up to two 'custom' user namelists in "FidoUser.Lst" format (as well as the default USERLIST.XRS and optionally Michael Barnes' "XUC" format userlist) for lookup of user names and addresses. You may specify one or two files by setting "UserList 1" (and optionally "UserList 2") to path and filenames to the file(s). "External Editor" Help XRS has an excellent built-in full-screen and full-featured editor, but it also allows you to define your own personal favorite DOS text editor as an external editor to use instead. This parameter should include the complete commandline - both the path to the executable (if needed) and any parameters required for execution of that program and a "%s" position-holder to pass the program the filename to be edited. Example: "Editor SED %s" ;*)f=* ;*9h=* ;*%i=* ;*wj=* "Packer" Help "Packer" lets you use any of three alternative mail compression techniques (other than the default PKZip) - "Arc", "ARJ" or "LHA". DO NOT SPECIFY "PKZIP" HERE! (that is automatic if not specified)9 mail bundler. "XRS_Pack" (integrated into XRS) will build any normal "FidoNet" outbound mail format, or call "XRS2QWK.EXE" to translate outbound mail to the QWK "*.REP" format reply mailbag. DO NOT SPECIFY "XRS2QWK HERE! (that is automatic if needed) "Bundler" Help "Bundler" should only be used under circumstances when you want to use an alternative external mail bundler (like Jeroen Smulder's "XAP") to pack mail instead of the built-in FTS-0001/FSC-0039 mail bundler. "XRS_Pack" (integrated into XRS) will build any normal "FidoNet" outbound mail format, or call "XRS2QWK.EXE" to translate outbound mail to the QWK "*.REP" format reply mailbag. DO NOT SPECIFY "XRS2QWK HERE! (that is automatic if needed) "Preprocess" Help "Preprocess" allows you to specify an external program to run whenever XRS opens a new mailbag. If you want XRS to read messages in threaded order (no matter what order they are on the BBS), use one of the "XRS*Sort" series programs here. Example: "Preprocess XRSrt286.Exe" _HELP$ XUC_HELP% EDIT_BUFF_HELP& DYNAMIC_HELP' FILE_BUFF_HELP( WARN_SIZE_HELP) BUFFER_HELP* NUMBERS_HELP+ TAB_SIZE_HELP, TIME_ADJUST_HELP- PRINT_WIDTH_HELP. VIRTUALIZE_ "Export" Help "Export" allows you to specify an alternative filename (or device, such as "LPT1:" for printed output) to be used to export messages during reading, from the ump list, or from the reate/Edit/Delete menu. The default filename is "XRSXPORT.OUT". toggle_int_edit Internal Editor NO_ED_SWAP_ID toggle_no_ed_swap No Edit Swap SWAP_ID toggle_swapping Memory Usage ALIAS_ID FORID = 0x004C;7 const USHORT FORCE_ID = 0x005B;7 const USHORT FORM_FEED_ID = 0x006B;7 const USHORT FROM_TWIT = 0x02A3;7 const USHORT HIDE_MOUSE_ID CE_ALIAS_ID toggle_force_alias Force Alias ALIAS_NO_ID toggle_default_alias Alias Default "No" Alias Name THREAD_ID THREAD_NO_ID set_next_previous@ Next and Previous THREAD_YES_ID set_threading@ Thread Optional THREAD_ONLY_ID set_thread_only@ Threading ONLY '+'/'-' Key Usage TOGGLE_ID = 0x01D4;7 const USHORT HIDE_ID = 0x005D;7 const USHORT JUMP_HEAD_ID = 0x005C;7 const USHORT LAPTOP_ID = 0x01F8;7 const USHORT NO_MOUSE_ID = 0x004D;7 const USHORT NO_P Toggles: VARIOUS_ID FIELD_705$ HIASCII_ID hiASCII_toggle Allow HiASCII ALWAYS_ID toggle_always Always AREA_SORT_ID toggle_areasort Area Name Sort AUTO_CYCLE_ID toggle_acycle Auto Cycle CUSTOM_ID toggle_custom Custom Brags DONT_CRASH_ID toggle_dont_crash Don't Crash EURO_DATE_ID toggle_euro_date Euro Date FLIP_ID toggle_flip_head Flip Headers FORCE_ID toggle_force_new Force New kIDS_ID = 0x004E;7 const USHORT NUKE_ID = 0x0045;7 const USHORT ONE_TEAR_ID = 0x0044;7 const USHORT AREA_ID = 0x0064;7 const USHORT NAME_ID = 0x005E;7 const USHORT QUOTE_HEAD_ID = 0x0042;7 const USHORT QUOTE_KLUDGE_ID = 0x0041;7 const USHORT REVERSE_ID = 0x0059;7 const USHORT GATEWAY_ID = 0x02A5;7 const USHORT SOF T_FONT_ID = 0x0040;7 const USHORT XUC_ID = 0x00BA;7 const USHORT OK_ID = 0x000C;7 const USHORT DEFAULT_ID = 0x000D;7 const USHORT CANCEL_ID FORM_FEED_ID toggle_form_feed Form Feed FROM_TWIT toggle_universal From Name Twit HIDE_MOUSE_ID toggle_hide_mouse Hide Mouse HIDE_ID "XUC List" Help XRS supports Michael Barnes' "eXpress Userlist Compiler" (XUC) format name lookup file (normally "USERLIST.XUC"). If you have the file under another name, you must specify it here if you want XRS to find it. "Edit Buffer" size Help This is the amount of space you want XRS to allocate for the internal editor - and defaults to 10K (10240 bytes). You may set it anywhere in the range of 1000 to 65500 bytes. Note that larger settings will take double RAM (for the backup buffer) so beware of causing "out-of-memory" with large mailbags if you set this too high! You can let XRS dynamically adjust the buffersize higher if a message to be quoted is larger than your default buffer size (this parameter) using "Dynamic Buffer" below". "Dynamic Buffer" Help Setting this parameter to a larger value than "EditBuffer" size allows XRS to dynamically adjust the internal editor buffer size up to the size specified in this parameter - possibly allowing you to quote larger messages than would be possible without this dynamic expansion "on-the-fly". This may be set to a minimum of the "Edit Buffer" size and a maximum of 65500 bytes - the default is twice the Edit Buffer size (normally 20K or 20480 bytes). "File Buffer" size Help This setting adjusts the default 4K (4096 byte) buffer XRS allocates for reading the "BAT1MAIL.XRS" file (the main input file, which contains the actual messages). If you have a floppy disk, you may want to set this lower (minimum is 1024 bytes) or if you have a fast or cached hard drive with a 386 or higher processor, you may want to set it higher to take advantage of improved performance. If you set this to high, XRS will have "chunky" performance! "Oversize Warning" Help This allows you to adjust the default 12000 byte size before XRS starts allerting you by flashing the remaining space available in the internal editor buffer (at the lower left, bottom). Normally, you will not need to change this parameter, although you may set it lower if you are using XRS to reply to a system using older QWK format technology (which severely limits the size of messages). toggle_hide_search Hide Search JUMP_HEAD_ID toggle_jump_head Jump Headers LAPTOP_ID toggle_laptop LapTop NO_MOUSE_ID toggle_no_mouse No Mo "Buffer" menubar Help| The "Buffer" menubar pull-down contains several settings which affect XRS's usage of memory for file and editor buffering. "Numbers" menubar item Help The "Numbers" pull-down menubar item contains a list of items that may be adjusted by changing their numeric values (sometimes constrained within a range) to override the default value. "TabSize" Help The default is for XRS to expand any character(s) found in the input file (if you import a file, for example) to a string of eight spaces. You can change this to anything in the range of 1 to 8. "TimeAdjust" Help Changing the "TimeAdjust" value (the number of times XRS calls any background routine per second) may help smooth performance on your machine. The default is 16 times per second. You may change this to any number in the range of 2 to 128. "PrintWidth" Help XRS assumes output exported to any TTY device (i.e. the console, a printer like PRN:, LPT1:, LPT2:, etc) is formatted 80-characters per line. You can change this to 132 if you have a wide-carriage printer to obtain most efficient usage of paper. HELP/ VIRTUAL_JUMP_HELP0 MODE_HELP1 PAUSE_HELP2 SAFE_MODE_HELP3 SLOW_EDIT_HELP4 KEY_HELP_HELP5 PRELOAD_HELP6 USE_UMA_HELP7 USE_LIM_EMS_HELP8 USE_XMS_HELP9 INTERNAL_EDIT "Virtualize" Help By default, XRS 'virtualizes' any ump list that would contain more than 300 messages, and "pages" new elements (messages) into the list 100 at a time as required. You can adjust this behavior by changing either one or both of this and the "Virtual Jump" parameters. This parameter can be set from 100 up to 1000 messages (before XRS bothers to 'virtualize' the list), allowing you to fine-tune XRS to the amount of free memory you have available. "Virtual Jump" Helpq Changing the "Virtual Jump" size changes the number of elements (messages) XRS pages into a ump list it has to virtualize (see defaults in "Virtualize Help"). Changing this value to any number in the range of 50 to 250 allows you to fine-tune the number of elements XRS adds to the list each time you run off the end of the physical list (and force virtual paging). ;*Um=* &I>*[K>* L>*{L>* "Mode" Help XRS normally makes the best use of your video display it can, auto-sizing to 43- or 50-line screen size on EGA or VGA monitors for example. You can change this behavior several ways: first, if you type "SET XRS=X" outside the program (i.e. before you start XRS), that disables *ALL* attempts XRS would make to detect and/or change (including fix) the video mode during execution or after shell-to-DOS, etc. Secondly, you can use the "Soft Font" parameter to make XRS not adjust the screen-size, or you can use this parameter to force XRS to operate only in one certain video mode, which XRS will change to upon startup (if you are not already in that video mode). This allows you to select a custom screen-size if your video card supports it. "Pause" Help The default "Pause" setting of three seconds after most message displays is optimal for most users. Advanced users may want to set this down to 1 (or even 0) seconds to minimize wait time for messages you have grown familiar with. "SafeMode" Help# The "SafeMode" parameter (which defaults to 20 if you don't specify another value) allows you to force XRS to automatically save its progress every 'x' number of messages - if you're in a home prone to power outages or whatever. The range of values is from 1 to 50 messages (between saves). "SlowEdit" Help Setting the "SlowEdit" parameter forces XRS to slow down the rate of refreshing the display of detailed information in the internal editor (like line, column, free space, etc). This may help slower machines which can't cope with the continuous updating XRS normally does. You may set this parameter to any value in the range 1 to 20 - which is the number of times XRS will (at most!) update the information about the location, free space, etc. "Keyboard Help" Help XRConfig is designed to be very easy to use with a mouse, but using it with a keyboard only is also easy! The basic functions allowed with a mouse are all available using the keyboard. Select any of the main pull-down menubar items by using plus the underlined or highlighted key. Moving between the various groups on-screen is accomplished using the or ("BackTab") keys. You can return from the menubar to group selection mode by hitting when a menubar item is highlighted. Context-sensitive help is available for every item and selection by hitting - close the help window with . You may close the program with as well - or brings up the "System" sub-menu as if you clicked on the icon. Note that the DOS version does not respond to the "Minimize" function, since doing so really makes no sense. "Preload Summary" HelpA XRS will preload the summary (message index and cross refererence) into memory - into LIM/EMS memory if you have it - if you set this option on. In almost all cases, it is preferable to have this option set on, since otherwise XRS has to read the SUMMARY1.XRS file for message header information every time a ump command is used from the main message reading menubar in XRS. XRS automatically uses a "HeapXpander" technology to utilize up to 4MB of LIM/EMS memory to store this information if possible, otherwise it will attempt to load the index into "low" (640K) memory. "Use Upper Memory" Help Using the "Upper Memory Area" on 386 or higher machines allows XRS to utilize any free UMBs not already allocated by another program to store edit and editor backup buffers as well as screen-saves. This greatly increases the amount of free "low" (640K) memory available which allows XRS to handle larger mailbags. You should turn this option off *ONLY* if XRS has specific problems using the UMA (normally provided by EMM386.SYS, 386MAX.SYS, QEMM386.SYS, etc.)! "Use LIM/EMS Memory" Help Normally, XRS will use EMS (3.2 or later) memory to store "HeapXpander" 16K blocks to preload the summary file, and also to cache program overlays (up to 160K at this time). Disable this option *ONLY* if XRS has trouble with your implementation of EMS! "Use XMS Memory" HelpU XRS currently only uses XMS memory for overlay caching. To disable this option (RTLink+ automatically uses 160K LIM/EMS if possible, then tries 160K XMS memory next), type "SET RTOVEXT=0" before you start the XRS program. Turning this option off will prevent future versions of XRS from utilizing XMS memory for data storage, etc. as well. OR_HELP: NO_EDIT_SWAP_HELP; SWAP_HELP< FORCE_ALIAS_HELP= ALIAS_DEFAULT_NO_HELP> NO_SNOW_HELP? NO_CLOCK_HELP@ NO_SECONDS_HELPA FORCE_8X8_HELPB CUSTOM_HELPC DONT_CRASH_HELPD "Internal Editor" Help Setting this option toggle on causes XRS to default to using its own internal editor even if you have defined an external editor to use as well - you can change them back and forth "on-the-fly" inside XRS from the hot-keyed configuration screen. "No Edit Swap" Help Setting the "No Edit Swap" option makes XRS call your external editor without swapping itself out. You should only set this option if you are sure your external editor is "small enough" to work in cramped quarters (the memory left that XRS isn't already using)! "Swap" Help By default, this option should always be turned on! It forces XRS to "swap itself out" when calling any external programs, such as archivers/comressors and external editors, etc. This leaves only 240 bytes of XRS in memory as a "stub" to reload the program, and swaps the program out to XMS, EMS or disk - allowing the maximum possible memory for any program that XRS calls to run. There is a related item "Swap Path" in the "Paths" pull-down menubar submenu. "Force Alias" Help Setting the "Force Alias" toggle on makes XRS always use your alias name in areas that allow an alias to be used instead of prompting you whether to use your alias or your real name. You must have used the option on the BBS itself (not part of XRSDoor!) to enable (and choose) a user alias for yourself and also enable alias support in XRSDoor before this option will have any effect (or even be useful). "Alias Default No" Helpj Setting this option makes XRS default to "No" for the chosing of whether to use your real name or your alias in "Alias Allowed" areas. (Normally, XRS defaults to "Yes".) This option is only useful once you have used the BBS software (not part of XRSDoor) to enable and select an alias name for yourself, and enabled alias support in the XRSDoor program itself. "No Snow" Help4 Setting the "No Snow" toggle forces XRS to disable 'Snow checking' (waiting for verticle retrace timing) on CGA display cards. It is only useful on CGA cards with CGA displays. You should set this option on only if you have a CGA card that automatically waits for verticle retrace timing to eliminate snow. "No Clock" Help Setting the "No Clock" toggle forces XRS to disable the on-screen clock display during message reading and writing. Some CGA (especially) systems have too much 'snow' generated by this routine and want to disable it completely. A more useful option might be to enable the "No Seconds" option instead, which makes XRS only update the information once per minute instead of every second. An even more severe option is to enable the "No EditInfo" toggle, which completely disables all displa! "No Seconds" Help Setting the "No Seconds" toggle forces XRS to only update the display of the time once per minute, instead of every second. This option is an "in-between" that doesn't completely disable the clock, but doesn't cause so much snow on CGA systems that have that problem. y of date/time, position (line, column), free space, etc. This should only be useful on very slow systems with CGA displays that cannot keep up with the continuous updates of that information. "Force 8x8" Help Setting this option causes XRS to force your system to load the 8x8 hardware font when XRS starts. This can be used to force XRS into the most lines per screen possible, even outside the normal 25-, 43- or 50-line screens of standard CGA, EGA and VGA displays. XRS will automatically force a reload of the 8x8 font after you shell out to DOS, just in case an external program changes the screen font. "Custom Brag" Help Setting this option on turns on the feature in XRS which allows you to pick an origin ("brag") line for each individual message using a "Point and Shoot" list (instead of just assigning a random one). "Don't Crash" Help This option makes XRS default to "No" for the "*Crash*" netmail prompt (even is you have 'Crash' priveleges and the message is going to the same zone - normally, XRS defaults to "Yes" if the message is in the same zone and you have 'Crash' priveleges). XUC_NEW_HELPE SOFT_FONT_HELPF QUOTE_KLUDGE_HELPG QUOTE_HEAD_HELPH AUTO_CYCLE_HELPI ONE_TEAR_HELPJ NUKE_GARBAGE_HELPK FLIP_HEAD_HELPL NO_MOUSE_HELPM NO_PIDS_HELPN REVERSE_KE "XUC" new mailbags Help Setting this option tells XRS to automatically call Michael Barne's "XUC" (eXpress Userlist Compiler) to gather information about user addresses for each new mailbag which is opened. ('XUC' is called immediately after the 'Preprocess' if any) "Soft Font" Help5 Setting the "Soft Font" toggle forces XRS to keep its hands off the video screen dimensions (normally it will make best use of the display you have, adjusting to 43- or 50-line mode and back when you exit, for example). This setting completely disables all attempts by XRS to detect or adjust the video mode. "Quote Kludge" Help Setting this option (which is not recommended - it can be turned on temporarilly from the internal hot-keyed configuration in XRS itself) makes XRS include both Tear and Origin lines in quoted replies. "Quote Header" Help This toggle determines whether or not XRS will insert a "Quote Header" attribution line at the top of each quoted reply (by default, this information includes the names of both parties, date/time and subject on an "In a message..." line). "Auto Cycle" Help "Auto Cycle" allows XRS to automatically switch to the next unread mail group without prompting you to select a group/area when you still have unread mail in a mailbag. If only one area is left, XRS will always select that area regardless of whether or not this is turned on. "One Tear" Help Turning on this option (which is recommended) makes XRS filter out second (and third, and fourth ...) tear lines in messages. 99% of the time, these are trash lines added by an aberant mail mangler somewhere along the way. "Nuke Garbage" Help "Nuke Garbage" causes XRS to filter out all unneeded extra control lines it knows about which are added to messages by aberant mail manglers. This list can be modified - see the documentation for the defaults. "Flip Heading" Help XRS normally displays the message headers in the format which was originated by the TCommNet BBS system (where XRS itself originated), and similar to that used by PCBoard - where the "To Name" is on line one and the "From Name" is on line two. Some people (notably Quick/RA/Super folks for some reason!) seem to prefer it the other way around. XRS will invert lines one and two when displaying messages if you turn this option on. It also adjust the display of other information on lines one and two. "No Mouse" Helpz If XRS goes nuts when your mouse is activated, or your mouse does't work well with XRS (which requires a Microsoft mouse-compatible driver 6.x or higher or equivalent), or if you just don't want the mouse to be active in XRS (although you can turn it on if you want from the hot-key configuration window) - set this option, and XRS will not attempt to initialize the mouse. "No PIDs" Help Turning off the default "hidden" ^aPID: control lines forces XRS to display it's program identification and information on the tear line instead. (otherwise, the information is in the hidden PID line and the tear line is completely blank) YS_HELPO ALWAYS_HELPP FORCE_NEW_HELPQ JUMP_HEAD_HELPR HIDE_SEARCH_HELPS PROMPT_NAME_HELPT PROMPT_AREA_HELPU EURO_DATE_HELPV FORM_FEED_HELPW HIDE_MOUSE_HELPY LAPTOP_HELPd "Reverse and Keys" Help3 The internal editor uses the key to toggle insert / overtype and to 'paste' a block saved previously. Setting this option reverses the functions of those two keys, giving the more natural opposite = Toggle Insert / Overtype and pastes a previously saved ("cut") block from the buffer. "Always" Help Setting the "Always" toggle on forces XRS to always pop up the "back end" sub-menu offering to repack and/or delete the open mailbag (you normally only get that option when no more unread messages are left). jkE*jkE* 'sE*'sE* "Force New" Help Setting the "Force New" option makes XRS always pretend that it has a newly opened mailbag each time it is started, and run the auto-searching, preprocess and/or XUC routines it normally would run only for a newly opened mailbag. "Jump Headers" Help By default, XRS only displays a message header (the top four lines) when you hit the key during a ump list display. If you have a fast machine (and a fast hard drive!), you may prefer the constant display forced by this parameter. (however, remember the overhead - especially for "Sorted" mailbags! XRS must physically jump around inside the BAT1MAIL.XRS file and find the headers.) "Hide Search" Help This parameter determines whether or not XRS displays the normal status report and 'hits' when it does the auto-searching of newly opened mailbag. If you turn this parameter on, the search only displays the number of lines scanned. "Prompt Name" Help XRS normally only prompts you to optionally change subject field for Quote/Reply messages. For the ability to optionally change the "To Name" field, set this parameter on. See "Prompt Area" field for a related option. "Prompt Area" Help Setting this toggle on allows you to optionally move a Quote/Reply to another area when you respond. XRS normally only prompts you to optionally change the subject. See "Prompt Name" for a related option. "EuroDate" Help} If you prefer your dates displayed in DD.MM.YY format instead of the default US/English MM/DD/YY format, turn this option on. "FormFeed" Help If you export messages (ones you read or write) to the printer, you may wish to set this option on - if set, it forces XRS to output a "FormFeed" (Page Eject) at the end of outputing any message to an LPTx: or PRN: device. NO_PIDS_ID toggle_no_pids No PID's NUKE_ID toggle_nuke_garbage Nuke Garbage ONE_TEAR_ID toggle_one_tear One Tear AREA_ID "Hide Mouse" Help "Hiding" the mouse causes XRS to actually stick it in exactly the furtherest possible position on-screen, which is actually invisible (i.e. it hides the mouse cursor in the lower right-hand corner, but it is not visible unless you move the mouse first). ge_number change_number change_number change_number change_number general_help keyboard_help about_xrs set_optimal_view set_screen_by_screen to_you_toggle new_message_toggle toggle_no_snow toggle_no_clock toggle_no_seconds toggle_8x8 toggle "LapTop" Help7 Setting the "LapTop" parameter on forces XRS to use a special "Block" cursor in the internal editor instead of the traditional underline cursor. Note that XRS's internal editor toggles back and forth between the normal cursor and a half-cursor which indicates that you are in "OverType" mode instead of insert. "Cancel Window" Help You have selected the "Cancel" button, which means you want to discard your changes and exit. To confirm this, select "Yes", otherwise pick "Cancel" and you will be returned to the program. USER_FUNCTIONb COMPARE_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION _preload_summary toggle_uma toggle_ems toggle_xms toggle_int_edit toggle_no_ed_swap toggle_swapping toggle_force_alias toggle_default_alias set_next_previous set_threading set_thread_only hiASCII_toggle toggle_always toggle_areasort toggle_a toggle_prompt_area Prompt Area NAME_ID toggle_prompt_name Prompt Name QUOTE_HEAD_ID toggle_quote_header Quote Header QUOTE_KLUDGE_ID toggle_quote_klucycle toggle_custom toggle_dont_crash toggle_euro_date toggle_flip_head toggle_force_new toggle_form_feed toggle_universal toggle_hide_mouse toggle_hide_search toggle_jump_head toggle_laptop toggle_no_mouse toggle_no_pids toggle_nuke_garbage "Exit Win/XRConfig" Help You exited Win/XRConfig without saving changes. Select "Yes" to save change and exit, "No" to discard them and exit, or "Cancel" to return to the program for further changes. Quote Kludges REVERSE_ID toggle_reverse_keys Reverse GATEWAY_ID toggle_gateways Show Gateways SOFT_FONT_ID toggle_soft_font Soft toggle_one_tear toggle_prompt_area toggle_prompt_name toggle_quote_header toggle_quote_kludges toggle_reverse_keys toggle_gateways toggle_soft_font toggle_xuc_new ok_button default_button cancel_button cancel_button XUC_ID toggle_xuc_new XUC new mailbags OK_ID ok_button DEFAULT_ID default_button &Defaults CANCEL_ID cancel_bu "Number Edit" Help You are in a "Number Edit" child window. Either make the appropriate changes and save them with , or discard changes with ape. "Defaults Window" Help You have selected the "Defaults" button, which tells Win/XRConfig to replace your existing CONFIG.XRS file with a "default" set of parameters as noted in the documentation. This is normally only used when you have really botched PATH_EDIT_HELP` NUMBER_EDIT_HELPa HELP_EXITb HELP_CANCEL_WINDOW] HELP_DEFAULTS_WINDOWc HI_ASCII_HELP^ AREA_NAME_HELPe FROM_TWIT_HELPf SHOW_GATE_HELP "Path Change" Help You are in a "Path Change" child window. Either make the appropriate changes and save them with or discard them by hitting ape. the file somehow. USER_FUNCTIONb COMPARE_FUNCTION COMPARE_FUNCTION "Allow HiASCII" Help Turning this option on (which is not recommended for FidoNet systems!) allows you to enter "HiASCII" characters both into tear (brag) lines and the text itself. There are still three 'illegal' characters which can never be imbedded in a message: , or . THIS OPTION SHOULD NOT BE ENABLED UNDER MOST CIRCUMSTANCES: IT IS INTENDED TO PROVIDE COMPATIBILITY WITH THE CHINESE NATIVE LANGUAGE SUPPORT (Which requires dual-byte characters)... tton &Cancel CANCEL_ID cancel_button &Cancel = 0x000E; const USHORT CANCEL_ID = 0x000E; "Area Name Sort"` Help Selecting this option causes XRS to display the "Pick List" of area (message group) names in alphabetic sorted order instead of the normal numeric sequence. "From Name Twit" Help If you set this option, XRS will twit only names you put in your list of twits if the message is *from* them - otherwise, it will twit any message to or from them, or even about them. "Show Gateways" Help This option causes XRS to display secondary origin lines created when messages pass through zone or domain gates (usually " # Origin: " line replaces original). When used in combination with "Quote Kludge", this allows them to be quoted as well.